Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Damn, Was I Ever Hungry!

I didn't eat AT ALL until 3:00 today. I didn't know that it was going to take so long for the CT....that Big Mac and fries never tasted so good!

So the tech told me that they did a third pic to get a better look at the crap on my liver. We shall see what they say. Best case scenario is that it's just an hemangioma. But it would also probably mean that it's NOT the source of my back pain. But maybe I was meant to have some bad pain so that this could be found out. Who knows. It could be something serious. But it probably isn't. I'm a little concerned, but trying to remain calm until next week happens.

At least I don't think I'll have to give up karate if I have a bad liver. I might have to give up Coors Light pints, though! ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there. Katie has been keeping me posted on your test and all. Im sure everything will work out and youll get to the bottom of things soon. I am in and out of the area about every week now so let me know if I can do anthing to help or if you want to talk to somone with some experience dealing with doctors and such. Best advice I can give is to assume nothing, be direct and demanding, ask a lot of questions and generally control he situation versus assuming the dr knows what he / she is doing. I hope you start feeling better.

9:47 PM

Blogger Auntie said...

Here is hoping they find out what is wrong with you soon. I can not imagine what you have had to go through!

So is the lady, who's kid you watched and turn out bad nice to you?

11:26 PM

Blogger Jules said...

I can't believe it took that long.

I hope you get some answers soon Steph.

9:47 AM


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