Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

so...collin had a solo in his music program today. he did so well!! :) i was so stinking proud of him!

i got home and made some curtains for his newly painted room....i used chicago cubs material (five bucks a yard!! i could have bought curtains cheaper, i think!! ROFL).....we also got him some rope lights for his birthday...i think he's going to have a really cool room once we're done in there! :)

other than that, the only other bit of new news is that i started a new book today. it's called "p.s. I love you"....written by cynthia ahern (who, coincidentally, is only 22 years old and is the daugther of ireland's prime minister). we shall see how it goes... :)


Blogger Cath said...

You're a very talented lady Steph. Is there anything you can't do (other than housework ROFLMAO!)
You must have been so proud of you're big boy!
I have read about 1 page of the book. Will try again soon

7:01 PM


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