Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, August 13, 2004

things here are the same old, same old. happy belated birthday to my biological mom! don't worry, guys...i did call her yesterday!

collin's going to spend the night with aaron's parents tonight....i'm happy that he likes going there so much. it gives him some special time with grandma and grandpa and his aunties. they have a bit of fun with it, all i need to do is wean the babies and have them watch them for the weekend, too, so i can get the hell out of dodge!! LOL i know i obsess about getting out of here, but it would be nice for the day, even!

i'm debating on what to do over my 'vacation'. i wish someone else would have the week off to watch the kids for me. i would even travel by myself at this point. it would be really fun to go visit someone far away and go someplace i've never been.....we'll see. i might just pack up the twins and take them with me somewhere....probably my parents' house! LMFAO.....most of my vacation and holiday time is usually spent there. the first weekend in october is the herbstfest. i would like to go there, not having been in nearly 10 years!

off to make lunch!


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