Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

nothing much new happening in the world of poopy diapers and hot dogs. and most of the time that's a blessing!! :)

ooohhhh....i take that back....the diapered ones are finding new and exciting ways of pooping through onto their outfits.....and i shut my right index finger in a car door last night....i'll spare you the pics! ;) unless you want to see it, i suppose.....will post upon request. let's just say that i might lose the finger nail, and that i was reeling for a few hours from it all!

anyway, collin started second grade yesterday. his poor teacher wasn't there because her dad is critically ill (for those of you who pray...say one for him and the family!). this year will be crazy, because dad's only a few doors down. we'll see how this goes.

i wish that collin were as good at cleaning his room as he is at being the sweetest boy ever....we have spent days now, cleaning.....aaron and i have refused to help him before now, but tonight i've got my work cut out for me! wish me luck.....and if you're the praying kind, say a little one for me, too!!


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