Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Not a ton going on here. Everything's pretty much the same hecticness that is my life right now. Work, karate, getting the twins on the bus... the occasional lunch with friends. I've also been playing a lot of Scrabble on Facebook.

Going in a few hours to May Day, which is a concert at Verizon. Disturbed will be there. Am excited to see them again. Shinedown and a few other bands will be there, too. Should be a good show, with some good friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life just keeps on coming doesn't it. Hope y'all have a great weekend!

2:04 PM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

I hope you have a fun day. Right now it loks like there might be some rain on the way.

2:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should know all the cool people play Bejeweled.

10:41 AM


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