Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snowy Day...'s really not that bad outside if you keep your head on straight. But with the way things have gone today, am nearly scared to leave to go home tonight. I believe I've used up my near-miss quota for today....

...that being said, I did fulfill my duties as Tooth Fairy last night. But not before nearly forgetting. Again. I woke up to a happy Griffin this morning. So all's worth it.

...Am really going to see about getting foods that will help my hypoglycemic tendencies. Am having a really tough time controlling my blood sugar right now. This morning I had peanut butter on an English muffin. Then later on in the morning, I had a Fiber One granola bar. As I sit here eating a Bacon Turkey Bravo sandwich from Panera, I'm shaking. Nay sent me a link to a helpful website, which I'll need to peruse and glean information from. But it's seriously getting old. I realize that it's all about balance. And that I've never found it yet. We shall see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HATE people driving minivans who don't know what the frack they're doing...

12:55 PM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

Oh no, I think Liam is talking about me.

9:15 PM

Blogger Katie said...

I had a near miss yesterday, I was waiting at a light and some maniac in a truck took a left way too fast into the lane next to me, sliding all over the place. Dumbass.

I know I'm safe in my big black tank of a van but I just got it back from the body shop and don't want to put it back in any time soon!

Good luck with the blood sugar. I think lots of little meals with low-non processed food often helps.

8:48 AM


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