Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, January 16, 2009


A Friday Bullet-List....

  • It's fucking cold outside. There are no other words.
  • If it weren't deemed inappropriate, I would stand outside my boss' office all day just to sniff his cologne. It smells so good. For years I've threatened to buy this for Aaron. One day I shall.
  • First adult black belt class was last night. A good class! I do love playing around with the tonfa.
  • Erin cried herself off the mat again last night...*sigh*
  • Aaron and the kids are currently hanging out with Katie and her kids at our house. Am trying to contain my feelings of jealousy.
  • Aaron and Griffin are headed downtown to the Pacers' game tonight with a friend and his son. Collin, Erin, and I will drown our sorrows and jealousy in food at Steak N' Shake.
  • I'm really sad that I didn't bring my lunch today. I so don't want to go out to get food!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly... I'd rather go to Steak 'n Shake than the Pacers game...

11:47 AM

Blogger Alaina said...

I was thinking the same thing, Liam...I mean, jealous, really? Of the Pacers?

2:31 PM

Blogger crazed lunatic said...

nah... I'M not jealous... but the kids are... Griff's jealous of Erin because she'll get to play video games... Erin and Collin want out of the house...

2:39 PM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

I want Steak and Shake, too, but it is always cold in there. f course, it is cold everywhere today.

3:09 PM

Blogger Katie said...

Dude, I want Steak n' Shake but since we had Dunkin Donuts for breakfast and Burger King for lunch, I figure we should eat a meal at home today.

4:22 PM

Blogger Auntie said...

I ordered Jimmy John's and they delivered me my low fat meal for a grand total of $5.50 and that included his tip...of course I gave up another fifty cents totaling $6...and never left my desk.

5:52 PM


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