Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

If I Keep Up With the Celebrations....

....single digit pants will return to their elusive state! I have celebrated three times already (four if you count opening my presents from the kids AS.SOON.AS.I.WAS.UP thankyouverymuch), and mostly with food. And I've not really celebrated yet today. Feeling the need to exercise right now!

....but in the realm of celebrating, I just want to shout out about how awesome my friends and family are..... yesterday, I went to lunch with my sister-in-law Alaina. We went to G.T. South's for lunch and she gave me a really cute earring and necklace set. Then, four of my closest girlfriends and I went out to T.G.I. Friday's for supper. I got some fun bath stuff, a Colt's bracelet, an übercool necklace, and a tote bag. And the company of my favorite four friends. We then went over to one of their houses and watched "The Other Boleyn Girl". So completely different from the book, but a good movie nonetheless. the funny part of a birthday when you're my age is that most people have young children at my age. And those young children are STOKED BEYOND BELIEF about a birthday. The twins have been supercute in their quest to make sure I'm being celebrated. They came in early this morning to tell me "We're not going to tell you what your presents are!" Of course, this was a cue to Aaron to bring them out so that they would still be surprises. They got me a book, a cd, and a t-shirt that reads "Don't Make Me Use My Super Powers!"....oh, and some scrapbooking stickers that Erin said "we'd share." this afternoon, we'll do lunch with Aaron's family, and then this evening, we've invited friends over to hang out in our back yard. We'll drink, eat, and have a fire pit. Am excited about having my friends around tonight!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Steph!!!

10:57 AM

Blogger Kari said...

Happy Birthday Friend!

11:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy it! It's so cute that the kids want to make sure you have a great day! I love it!

11:51 AM

Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

I called aaron to tell him t shirts for Obama could be had at the democratic office and I did not know if you wanted a t shirt or not. He didn't call back. Maybe because he already had a super cool shirt for you. I am glad though, because I like the jewelry way better than the t shirt.

1:25 PM


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