Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I got Not a Lot.... here's a cutie boy for you to peep at. *grins* I can't believe how much he's growing up. He's got bigger feet than I do now. Bigger feet than his dad. He's nearly as tall as we are, too. He's got no more baby teeth....I don't want him to stop growing. But could someone please stop the clock for just a little bit?
....on a side note, the whole lot of us went to the dentist today. Can I just say that it says not a whole lot about you when your dentist is shocked that you won't be paying him any "in between cleaning" visits? He was totally shocked. Was kind of funny. I asked the hygenist if I should call home and say "Look, ma! No cavities!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do grow too fast.

11:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so seems like everytime I go to the dentist lately I have at least one cavity.

7:47 AM

Blogger Katie said...

He is so big!

I need to schedule us all to go to the dentist. I'd rather see the GYN though.

8:10 AM


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