Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Home beginning Sunday Night... we'll see how this goes. I've checked the weather for where we'll be, and it's going to be amazingly cool....for which I'm thankful. But that hampers going in the water to a degree.
....I need to pack today. Aaron got himself and the twins packed already. He's got the camper filled with stuff that's not clothes and food, and now we just need to get that stuff together.
....I might need to swing by someplace and see about getting some different shorts or pants. I keep running into situations where I don't have any clothes that fit me well. And all my shorts are from my daycare days, so they're stained as well as too big. I wish someone was around to be my fashion conscience.....
....Will likely not post again until Thursday or Friday.... so don't do anything fun while I'm away!


Blogger Judy in Indiana said...

You will have a great time, no matter where you are. Be careful to avoid anything that will make the kids vomit and you'll be fine. That goes for you, too. Not too much drinkin' or you'll puke, too. You know it.

10:28 AM

Blogger Jules said...

Have a great time Steph!

And you know it's never too cold for kids to swim ;)

11:53 AM


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