Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Coors Light.... friend, but yet not my friend....gotta love Wednesdays, but I think I have to find me a new hangout. Firstly, they no longer have 1.50 wells... Secondly, my fave bartender gave his two weeks yesterday. This totally changes the dynamic of my Wednesday and I'm not one bit happy about it. On a lighter note, we did our first ever pub crawl last night.... went from one bar to the next! hehe

....So I'm all the way through Basa Dai (I think that's the spelling). I've realized that when it comes to kata, I'm all over it. When it comes to actually fighting, however, notsomuch. I've realized over the last few days that I think way too much about it. I've also realized that, while I do love my typical partner, she's not where I want to be as far as actually trying stuff out and testing the waters. I worked out with one of the guys last night who was very helpful as far as giving me some pointers for sparring. Very appreciative I was.... So I'm hoping that Sensei will teach me the other brown belt material so that I can progress to the next belt one month early. Not going to totally hold my breath on that one, but I really would love to learn the next kata. But if he feels that my sparring needs more work, then I will definitely wait the extra month. I'm not quitting karate anytime soon. Hell, maybe if he does start a competition team again, I'll try to do it.... could be fun once I get my act together with sparring!

....on a completely different note, go vote for your favorite NFL team by playing Kick for Cans. I do it every day. I, of course, vote for the Colts, hoping to dethrown the Packers, but I think that everyone in Wisconsin must be voting every day.....they have a substantial lead! lol


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What ?! Sparring?! Aaron should be scarred, very scarred. have you tried the new Mexican place, Queso Blanco in town? I hear it is good. Wanna go? But why would you name your new restaraunt White Cheese?

5:17 PM


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