Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Sunday, July 30, 2006


.... and the blues stem from the meltdowns happening so frequently in my house rather than the fact that the weekend is drawing to a close and that I'll be going back to work tomorrow. Some days, I hit the ground running. ANYWHERE is better than hanging around screaming toddlers sometimes. Any bathroom at King's Island (an amusement park near Cincinnati, for those non-Midwestern folk) ranks up there at moments, and this is coming from the very squeamish girl. Don't get me wrong. I love these little creatures that I helped to create. I've poured a lot of the last three years into helping them become these little people of self-confidence. But I need to figure out a way to live through the next six months to a year. I hear that four is a much lovlier age.

...ok, off to drown my sorrows with some ice cream or custard. I'll bitch about my weight next. You know I will. Which will also be accompanied by my tails of bunion woe, and not going to the gym for a week. *sigh* Getting old at the ripe age of 28-nearly-29, I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I called tonight and talked to Aaron for a few minutes. I wanted to go get a cold drink at barnes and Noble with you. It might have heped your blues, but not your weight! Or mine! Although, you were looking very hot last time I saw you, and not coz of the heat, coz you are office eye candy after all.

9:46 PM

Blogger Auntie said...

I just don't have anything to say after reading that Judy said you are eye candy. Here I thought Judy was happily married and all...(Smiles)

How did your sil do with her testing?

2:52 PM


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