Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Not a Good Day....

....send some bleach via express mail, please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no! Sounds like you need a drink. I was gonna tell you to tell Aaron that big hair went out in the 80's, but hey,when has my fat ass ever been in style?

Go ahead and have that drink, by the way. It's noon somewhere.

And I can't wait for Fully Naked Friday! Sounds to me like you'll have on nothin' but your work gloves.

3:49 PM

Blogger Village-Idiot said...

Have another Diet Coke, lock yourself in the Bathroom, turn on the fan and the shower and put your fingers in your ears.....

Suddenly you'll realize you can't hear the kids screaming right outside the door (cause we both know they were on your heels when you first went in there).

9:53 PM

Blogger Katie said...

Bleach? Need to do some laundry? ;)

8:12 AM


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