Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

In Daycare Hell.....

Well, I discovered yesterday that I do, in fact, have a thief on my hands. Do I and my family have "GULLIBLE: please steal thing from and be mean to me"?! This time someone stole $13 out of Collin's wallet that was under the bathroom sink. Under the bathroom sink, you ask? Yes, under the sink. He'd put it there for "safekeeping" because Dad had given it to him (after finding it in the laundry)and he forgot to take it to his room the night before. I went to the bathroom looking for butt paste, and saw the wallet there. With a sinking feeling, I opened it, only to reveal it's lack of contents. When Aaron came home, I asked him if he'd emptied the wallet before giving it back to Collin, sort of as a lesson. When he said no, I knew that we were in for it. I called up the new daycare mom, as well as the current one, with older kids. Of course, it's denied all over the place that they did it. Not one person. And the other kid who comes in the morning is one of Collin's best friends...and we've not had problems with him in the three years that we've known him.

So I think that I'm going to get rid of the new set of daycare kids. $50 a week isn't worth it to me to have my son's things (and possibly mine, too) stolen. I don't even feel at ease in my own fucking house anymore. And my heart is completely broken for Collin. I suppose these lessons are good ones, but I feel really badly that someone stole his first communion money and gifts that he bought with it.

And to top matters off, we're having problems with biters in the house again...and shovers....and hitters..... *sigh*

Anyone have some Excedrin??


Blogger Katie said...

Yeah it's seriously not worth all the hassle for these new daycare kids. And poor Collin, I can't imagine how heart broken he is and "scared" something else of his is going to get stolen. ((hugs)) I know it isn't easy for you but I hope it works out for the best.

11:32 AM

Blogger Village-Idiot said...

Klepto-kids, and the only thing worse is they're pathological liars to boot!

Get rid of them, and replace Collin's $ before he finds out.

9:20 PM

Blogger Cath said...

Awww Steph, that really sucks! Poor Collin. Hope you get rid of em soon Steph for your own sanity

3:18 AM


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