Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, November 16, 2007


......he's definitely my little guy. If I want some snuggling, he'll be the one to go to. He'll give me a hundred kisses.... One, two, free, foey, five, sthix, stheven.... And he'll just lay down and snuggle... he won't move around and put his elbows in my stomach and grind his little knees into my thighs. He'll just lay there with me. Just be. But I tell you what. He'll be the one that gets kicked out of preschool. Last night I went to pick him up from preschool to find a note in his cubby, telling me that he'd hit and kicked his teachers after they tried to get him to play a game of tag. It's been since the first two weeks of school that he's done this. So very strange how cyclical it is. And he's been acting up more at home, but it usually stays at home and he's great at school. I don't understand why it's starting up again. The teachers and I were just saying how happy we were that he HASN'T been doing this (shut up, you, I know all about jinxing myself!)...with how far he and Erin had both come.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the lady who remembered me from pre school really remembered Noah. And it wasn't good. She just said she was glad he was doing so well now... Of course, I just pretended all was well and that my little angel was fine. Which he is so far this year...

5:14 PM


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