Life as a reformed Zookeeper. Now living a life as a working mother who dabbles in karate, scrapbooking, and Coors Light!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Someone talk me down from the roof.....

I'm so at the end of my rope today. I'm hoping that this is just a passing phase and that I'm not in for the long are a list of things that are bothering me right now...

1. i have a girl who insists on crying pretty much thinking she's teething.
2. erin's glasses were broken this morning.
3. i must have slept strangely on my neck last night, as i can't really move it well and it hurts like a mofo
4. griffin's been biting pretty much all morning
5. i have to figure out what to do with seven children while someone inspects my house next thursday.

i'm sure that there is more that is bringing me down right now, but i'm really feeling down right now........i've already cried twice this morning and am ready to go at it again.....


Blogger Chris said...

Are you diet coke-less today?
No more crying, all it does is give you a headache the next day...and there is no sense having two days go into the crapper sister!

{{{Hugs}}}, and a cyber neck rub to you!

10:44 AM

Blogger Katie said...


11:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great. Well, I'm coming home at about 11:00 tonight.

3:21 PM


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